Lucian Muntean Biography


Lucian Muntean, Romanian photographer, born in 1974.

In 2001 graduated in Geology, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Since 1997, Lucian Muntean working as a photojournalist for newspapers, magazines and news agencies in Romania. Specializing in documentary photography and photo stories, Lucian Muntean traveling and working on long term projects in Romania, France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Germany and Africa. Participate in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Romania, Hungary, France, Spain, Italy and Poland.

Lucian Muntean as a visual artist working in painting, drawing, illustration and calligraphy.

• 2006 Workshop - press photography & art photography by Magnum photographer Rene Burri, Academy of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Professional activity:

• in present - photographer

• 2009 - in present - photographer

• 1999 -2013 - photographer "Dilema Veche" weekly magazine, Bucharest

• 2006 - 2012 - photographer  - ADEVARUL newspaper Bucharest 

• 2007 - 2012 – photographer -  Historia, Forbes and Foreign Policy magazine Romania

• 2006 - 2013 - photographer  - REGARD magazine Bucharest

• 2004 - 2014 – photographer -  HEPTA photo agency, Bucuresti

• 2001 – 2013 - photographer  - MEDIAFAX photo agency, Bucuresti

• 2003 - 2004 – photographer -  Gazeta Sporturilor newspaper

• 2001 - 2003 – photographer -  PRO SPORT newspaper

• 2000 - 2001 – photographer -  AGERPRES national press agency, Bucharest

• 1998 – photographer -  "Ziarul de Cluj" newspaper, Cluj-Napoca

• 1997-1998 - photographer  - "ZIUA" newspaper, Cluj-Napoca


• October 2014  International Biennial of Casablanca, Marocco

• September 2014 "Geografii subiective" personal painting exhibition, Zalău, Romania

• September 2014 "VORTEX" InnerSound 2014 - InSpire, Bucarest

• September 2014 "Arte în București" - O.A.R. Bucarest

• September 2014 Art Symposium "Arta în Gradină", Botanical Garden Jibou, Romania

• July  2014  “Rogojel – traditions in transition” – Muzeul Satului , Bucharest, Romania

• March 2014 "Diktator" - Art Xpert Gallery,  Bucharest, Romania

• 2013 "Mistere Contemporane" - INNER SOUND Festival, Bucharest, Romania

• 2013 Contemporary Art Symposium "artFORest" Singeorz-Bai, Romania

• 2012 "Saxons from Transilvania"  Sighisoara, Romania

 2012 International Photo Festival – PHOTOESPAÑA2012 Madrid, Spain 

 • 2012 Flowers and Flower Market ICR Budapest, Hungary

• 2011 “The last Saxons from Transilvania” ICR Warsaw, Ploand

• 2010 "Bucarest, la mal-aimée" photo exhibition ICR Paris, France

• 2010 "Fotografia documentara" - Espacio Niram, Madrid, Spain

• 2009 „The End of Folklore" - IRCCU Bienala de Arta Venetia, Italiy

• 2009 "Expulsion from Paradise" - Centre Culturel Francais, Iasi, Romania

• 2008 - International Art Symposium "Intrepatrunderea Privirilor" - Sangeorz Bai, Romania

• 2007 “Le mond selon Rogojel” la festivalul multimedia Est-Ouest Die, France

• 2007 "Romania si Bulgaria in UE" Mirabel-et-Blacons, Drome, France

• 2004 Bienala de Fotografie "Carol Popp de Szathmary" National Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

• 2003 "Ten years from analog to digital: ZoneZero" in Mexico City, Mexic